716-308-8270 [email protected]

Trademark Designer

We create unique logo designs for your trademark.

At Morse Design, we collaborate with trademark attorneys who use an exhaustive search process in the USPTO database to clear your design for approval. By using an illustration and ideation design process like ours in the beginning of the project, you will be able to prove your logo is truly unique.
You can trademark a design for a logo, product label, a clothing hangtag, packaging form factors and more. For your design to be a candidate for trademark protection, it must meet the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) standards for uniqueness. You will not be successful in attempting to trademark a generic design.

Morse Design learns about the brand you are creating, your goals and objectives, as well as what your competition is doing. We create sketches that demonstrate the thought process and symbols behind the graphic to show how our unique design was derived. We have experience creating successful, trademarkable graphic designs and logo identities for various brands in numerous markets.

We work with individuals, small business and corporations to aid them in their design process:

  • Corporations looking to create unique trademarkable logos that can pass the auditing and search of a trademark attorney.
  • Trademark attorney’s who are struggling with an existing designer on creating a unique logo that can be awarded a trademark or service mark.
  • Organizations who have previously worked with a internet based crowdsourcing logo design service that has failed to produce a unique trademarkable logo.

Your brand is the face of your company, it represents all of your hard work and let’s your customers know they can trust you. A trademark protects your right to use a design that visually symbolizes the value your business brings to it’s customers. Your intellectual property protection is extremely important.  Your brand is the face of your company, it represents all of your hard work and let’s your customers know they can trust you. Let Morse Design create that brand.

Morse Design is experienced in creating exciting trademarked brands that inspire your audience and meet your business needs.

    Examples of Trademark Designs

    Graphic identities designed by Alexander Morse. Work performed for various agencies.

    Let’s discuss the goals of your business and how an your trademark can effectively help you communicate to your audience and improve the value of your business.

    “I 100% without question recommend Alex if you are starting a new business, or re-branding and old company and need a creative direction. His attention to detail when listening and understanding your business is truly wonderful. He is able to capture your passion in your business and create an identity for your business that speaks to volumes. ”

    Scott Cvetkovski, M.S.
    Founder, Positive Sports Leadership