); ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); ga('send', 'pageview');
716-308-8270 [email protected]

Making the unclear path clear

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Want to learn more about Morse Design?
Feel free to reach out to Alex.

Alex designed software platforms and website experiences for MosaicDX that keep the user always in focus—improving the experience through a user-centered design process—based on research, observation, analytics, insights and meeting business goals amidst shifting priorities. Alex worked with the MosaicDX team across multiple verticals and during the challenges of a rebrand to boot. Alex navigated the shifting product focus, business challenges, variety of communication needs and helping improve users interactions across the portal and website. Alex communicated the business and user needs to the development team through articulating the functions and features of the website and portal, demonstrated by UX/UI design and documentation that helped align the Dev team to business needs within sprints.

VP of Marketing | Executive Leadership | Product and Marketing Strategist