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What’s the difference between a standard solo graphic designer, a big agency, and Morse Graphic Design?

Morse Design is a process driven consultancy, arriving at design solutions through strategy

You may have tried working with a designer before and had a were not confident that their design solution was the right one for your business and users. We learn about your goals, merging the needs of your users, audience and business. We ask the right questions to arrive at a solution to will increase the value of your brand, product or service with our goal of maximizing your investment.

An ordinary graphic designer

Graphic designers practitioners are plentiful in our visual world—how do you decide who to hire? First ask yourself what the needs are for your project. Say you are building your brand and need a logo. Solo graphic designers and crowdsource logo site designers are happy to start work on your project unabated and come up with some fun logos to look at. Unfortunately, and often they get caught up in the details of designing a pretty logo and can’t see the big, strategic picture. They fail to ask questions that would hone in on the positioning, your business goals, your target audience and what makes your audience tick. 

Your logo is the first element of your visual identity and the foundation to develop a scaleable and systematic brand that customers can recongnize. Clients that work with Morse Graphic Design value the brand building pricipals we value—and it’s important criteria in the litmus test of vetting if a freelance graphic designer is a good fit for your project. Value brand building thinking.

A full-service branding agency

Perhaps a big agency is what you are looking for to build your business. Agencies have access to a network of resources available to them. Complex branding projects demand a variety of skills and specialties. Agencies do have greater overhead, fancy offices that impress clients, and salaries to cover for their staff and freelance talent. If your project has the big budget backing consider researching a large agency.  Generally agencies offer access to a wider variety of talent but are less nimble than an individual graphic designer. Be upfront and communicate the desires in your process. Do you prefer a pragmatic approach or you into in depth discussions about brand philosophy? To some either approach my be too cumbersome or lacking in depth. Some clients prefer receiving their deliverables in a more expedited fashion.

As a general rule, the more an organization values getting their branding right, the more likely they will be allocating larger budgets and hiring the biggest agency in town. Morse Design values a big picture approach as long as the view of the camera doesn’t reach the stratosphere.

Morse Design – The perfect fit

We work with small to large businesses, non-profit organizations, collaborate with ad agencies, add spark to funded startups who need a big-picture approach behind their graphic design. Let’s shoot for the stars with your branding but keep in mind a down-to-earth, systematic approach that keeps your audience in mind—and they live on planet earth (but let’s not make assumptions quite yet). We value working efficiently, keeping in mind you are not just investing in good design that will have an immediate impact, but a long term investment that will be a sound foundation that builds your brand.

Alexander is a gifted designer. I was looking for high quality business cards and decided to search for a designer myself versus one of those business card websites. I am so pleased with the design that he made. When I hand one of my clients my business cards, they immediately stop what they are doing and look over my card and ask “Who designed this?”. He did a wonderful job and I will be going back to him when I’m ready to do more design work like my website/videos. Thank you Alex, I truly appreciate the work you did and will happily recommend you to anyone looking for design work.

Michael Stanley

Owner, Zen Auto Detailing

Get Morse out of your graphic design investment

Let's get started on designing for your target audience.

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